We are proud to present our newest machine vision inspection system
As a full-service automated vision inspection specialist firm, Sipotek offers a flexible solution: we can set up your vision system to cope with any real life applications in minimal time. User-friendly touch screen GUI (Graphic User Interface) allows you to define your reference pattern and caliper points for dimension measurement. It is simple to use, easy to operate and most importantly, without the need for programming using an external operating system.
With our system installed, you may also take advantage of our modularized assembly. Each inspection unit is flexible enough to disassemble and reassemble according to the job profile. Parameters can be adjusted on the fly and via touch screen monitor without ever halting your production. Tools like interactive training and history rerun allow users to quickly fine tune all process parameters to prepare for a seamless production. Additionally, visual parameter display trends are present in order to confirm optimized performance.
One Flexible Solution
An Sipotek system is more than just a smart sensor. It is a powerful continuous improvement processing tool that collects trend data with captured images and provides complete traceability feature. Our inspection systems are up and running 24/7 around the clock. Our software tools are flexible and can be enhanced with the latest specifications and supplementary requirements.
Our high speed in-line system performs a 100% visual inspection in critical production processes and the real time feedback minimizes defects and thus improves overall production yield. Sipotek systems are designed to integrate seamlessly into custom-made equipment or into retrofits and in most cases, with little modification to existing equipment.
We assist production engineers to adopt machine vision inspection technology for absolute quality assurance and accurate measurements. Our friendly GUI interfaces help operators simplify tedious manual operation. With data captured through our inspection systems, managers have full control of quality issues and can proactively identify problems in the manufacturing process. Data and JPEG images are recorded with time stamps for all parts.
The solution easily supports multi-quality inspection procedures and can handle multiple projects on the same production lines for a flexible manufacturing process. Our vision systems decode 2D or 1D barcode symbologies reliably and provide a means for: auditing, reconciling the sequence build numbers and vehicle VIN numbers for process accountability.
Our customer service program includes comprehensive product training, a step-by-step operations manual, an online support team via our Remote Monitoring Service (RMS) and a network of field service personnel to guarantee a quick response to customer issues.
Reinvestment into R&D ensures continuous product improvement and new product development and solutions. We are pioneering Canadian technical know-how and commitment to QUALITY and SERVICE to become the top machine vision company of the future.
Sipotek fully automated standalone machine vision inspection systems are very easy to use, are very cost effective and require minimal maintenance. To fully appreciate our vision inspection system’s capabilities and performance, companies typically start out with retrofitting our entry-level standalone system, which requires little configuration and usually consists of 2-6 cameras. This set up is the most beneficial for low volume production lines with manual loading that requires high level of quality integrity. The standalone system is extremely adaptable as it can be easily relocated and integrated onto other manufacturing lines.
Last but not least, the payback for such systems typically do not exceed 18 months and can even be shorter, representing a very high rate of return on investment (ROI).