- Using machine vision system to assist manual assembly
There are currently a large number of products that require manual assembly, and “inspection assist” cameras can be used to help prevent errors in such operations. After each operation, the system compares the result with the correctly stored image to ensure that the operation has been performed correctly and completely before the operator proceeds to the next step. If the operation is incomplete or an error is made, it is displayed to the operator for correction. Each step completed can be verified and documented to provide data that can be used for assembly work analysis and traceability.
- Add automated machine vision to the production line
- Industrial machine vision system-guided robot
Industrial robots have been widely used, and with the advent of collaborative robots and the rapid development of 3D image processing, their combined use is increasing, especially for vision-guided robots. The vision system recognizes the precise position of the object and transmits these coordinates to the robot. The great advancement of the visual robot interface has made this process easier.
The automated inspection machine vision embeds many leading image processing libraries and toolkits into other devices and manufacturing processes through small embedded processing boards based on the ARM architecture to provide a wider range of vision solutions. Combining these processing capabilities with low-cost cameras can integrate vision systems into various products and processes with relatively little cost.

If you need to customize the machine vision inspection system, please contact us.
Contact Person: James Yuan
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: +86 18666216027
Wechat:+86 18666216027
WhatsApp: +86 18666216027
Web: www.topvision.net or www.sipotek.net
Address: 11 Building, Gangzi Industrial Park, Shajing Furong Industrial Zone, Baoan, Shenzhen, China